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  • At local dinners, where chefs and vintners bring together the best of food and wine.
  • At regional gatherings, where members network and experience the best a region has to offer.
  • At national conventions in cities where the future of food and wine is being charted now.
  • At international events, where old-world manners and impeccable cuisine bring members together in a spirit of camaraderie.
  • At spirited theme and elegant formal events.
  • At Société Mondiale du Vin gatherings, where members learn about and experience wines and other crafted beverages of distinction.
  • On Brillat-Savarin trips, where members immerse themselves in the traditional food and beverages of a region.

If you have questions or would like to know more please contact the Alaska Bailli, Curt Urling at

Interested in joining? Download a Membership Brochure Membership is obtained through sponsorship by existing members.

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